What is Pupil Premium funding?
Pupil Premium (PP) is a government initiative that provides additional funding to disadvantaged pupils to diminish the difference in attainment and progress between them and their peers as research shows that pupils from deprived backgrounds underachieve compared to those from less deprived backgrounds.
Pupils identified by the government are those who are classed as Looked After Children (LAC), pupils whose parents are in the armed forces and pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).
R.E.A.L. Context
Due to the nature of the R.E.A.L. Independent School (RIS) provision we do not receive direct payments from the government for children on our roll. The way we receive funding for R.E.A.L. pupils will vary depending on the commissioning authority as some authorities use the pupil premium grant to contribute towards their placement with us, which is in itself an additional intervention for the pupil, however some do provide the additional funding directly to us. Where we are provided with funding directly we will ensure that we are accountable for this funding and its use is tracked and monitored in line with the DfE guidelines.
R.E.A.L. Strategy
To make effective use of PP funding R.E.A.L. looks at all aspects of the pupil and uses all available data to identify trends and looks to spend the funding most effectively in areas that it is needed. We recognise that some pupils at R.E.A.L. have complex needs, and as a result of this, many factors, including external factors, can influence pupils’ attainment. Therefore, to ensure we gain a holistic and accurate picture of pupils’ barriers to learning, we also analyse pupils’ behaviour, vulnerability, attendance and engagement. This way we ensure that pupils are thriving socially and emotionally, as well as academically. Data analysis is always combined with professional input to ensure that the needs of the pupils are accurately identified. Our priority is to ensure every pupil continues to make progress and is able to make a positive contribution to society when they leave R.E.A.L.
R.E.A.L. Independent Schools (RIS) will use the reporting guidelines issued by the DfE to ensure that the impact of funds received are tracked and monitored appropriately. This information will be available on our website as part of statutory reporting, but will also be monitored through our governance arrangements.