Curriculum Pathways

At R.E.A.L, we recognise everyone’s educational journey is different and that learners come to us with a range of previous experiences.  Our pathway system progresses from a less formal and highly person centred approach to a more formal approach to the curriculum and delivery.   Our pathways ensure that we take account of a learner’s individual needs and meet them where they are along their own journey.  We set expectations and design programmes based on each learners’ pathway.  This might determine how much of their journey is based at a school site, the proportion of vocational skills taught and amount of subjects on a particular programme.

Our Thematic Curriculum

We aim to make all of the learning at REAL relevant and meaningful to learners.  We explore exciting and engaging topics across the year which have been carefully selected.  By exploring the same themes and topics across a range of subject areas, learners develop a rich depth to what they learn and can apply skills and knowledge across different disciplines.

These themes change each half term.  We have explored exciting  topics such as ‘Our Future World’, ‘Justice vs Injustice’ and ‘Light and Dark’.  


Regardless of the Curriculum Pathway a learner follows they have access to a broad range of qualifications in KS4/KS5.  These can range from Entry Level all the way up to GCSE/A-Level.  The main exam boards that we use are listed below-

  • Pearson- Btecs, English, Maths
  • NCFE- Creative Media/Design
  • IMI- Mechanics
  • BIIAB- Food/Catering
  • AQA- Science, English, Maths
  • AIM- Aim Award

Vocational Learning

We have a proud history of vocational learning.   We offer a wide range of in-house alternative provision in areas such as Sports and Public Services, Adventure, Land Based Studies,  Construction, Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Catering and Hospitality, Digital Arts, and Creative and Performing Arts.  We also have partnerships with other experts in this field.   When learners access these areas of learning they work in environments that are industry related. 

If you wish to find out more information about our Curriculum or the Pathways and Qualifications we offer, then please contact either Michelle Farr or Chris Heathcote our Quality of Education leads via the Contact Us page on this website.