A local PCSO has come into R.E.A.L. to speak to learners about knife crime.
PCSO Delia presented a PowerPoint to a group at Hinckley about knife crime in Leicestershire. Delia spoke to learners in detail about local knife crime and revealed that 1 in 100 people could potentially be carrying a knife.
Dayle Silver, Teacher said: “This shocking figure is too high! The learners thought about why young people feel the need to carry a knife and came up with some ideas on how to minimise this. For example, should the government be doing more? What would deter young people from carrying?
“Most of the learners agreed that carrying a knife is out of fear and for protection, which is very sad and worrying for the young people of today.”
The learners found the workshop very informative and learned a great deal. This workshop followed a bullying and online safety session and PCSO Delia has said she will come back any time to cover other aspects of crime in the local area affecting our young people.”