Key stage 3 learners across R.E.A.L. have enjoyed reading the novel ‘Gamer’, the latest chosen book of this term exploring digital and dystopian themes.

Learners have produced some brilliant work after reading ‘Gamer’ which is now on display at the City Hub, Sneinton.

Maria Poyser, Lead Teacher at R.E.A.L. said: “The learners really enjoyed reading this book. We had a dystopian film theme running last term over lunchtimes, so I think this helped to cement the learning and get discussions rolling when starting to read Gamer. Especially with the whole debate around artificial intelligence that’s been in the news too.”

Learners compared the similarities to ‘The Hunger Games’ series and the novel ‘Trash’ from the first half-term.

Maria said: “There’s been a lot of really powerful themes in the Key Stage 3 book choices since the start of this school year, which have been cross curricular too which is amazing. For example, a character in Gamer pulls out a blade during a fight, so this naturally led on to a discussion about knife crime and how if you carry a knife for ‘protection’ you’re more likely to use it. There’s been a lot to discuss and think about, and this could have easily filled a second term.”