We’d like to showcase some of the fantastic artwork created by learners across different R.E.A.L. sites recently.
Starting with a drawing from a Key Stage 3 learner at R.E.A.L. City Hub, who’d been exploring the term’s topic, the French Revolution, in Humanities. One of their tasks was to create an image that symbolises the French Revolution.

Learners at our Ilkeston site produced this eye-catching board about the upcoming general election, breaking down each party’s manifesto and the steps involved when voting.

At R.I.S. Hinckley, learners painted and varnished these beautiful pebbles that have been added to the school garden.

And last but certainly not least, learners at Nanpantan have finished this amazing masterpiece.
Laurie Ackroyd, Senior Deputy Head of Schools at R.E.A.L. said: “The learners had been working really hard over the last few weeks on a board for our art room. Natalie, the Art Tutor, got all learners involved in designing, drawing and painting the board, and now it’s finally finished!”