All learners studying GCSE English Literature at R.E.A.L’s City Hub have seen a livestream of Macbeth at the cinema this month.
The play was filmed live in London and then streamed to Showcase cinemas throughout the UK.
Maria Poyser, Site Lead Teacher at R.E.A.L. said: “With their exams coming up this was a great way of revising the play and placing the scenes in a context that can be much more easily understood. The great thing about it was the learners got to share their thoughts on the screening afterwards with the production team.”
The play had many well known actors, including Ralph Fiennes, Indira Varma and Ewan Black.
Maria said: “The production was great. It was placed in a modern context and opened with burning cars and modern battle scenes with soldiers and all modern equipment. This was difficult for some learners as we’ve spent a lot of time placing the play in its historical context, but it also made it more relatable in many ways.
“The learners enjoyed the experience and it was an important one in terms of cultural capital. Giving students a taste of something, that is, for many, outside of their daily experience.”